"When I was your age, we didn't have 32-bit processors with GUI interfaces and miceWe programmed in binary with toggle switches and LEDs, and we were thankful for them!  4KB was a lot of memory in those days, yessirree..." 

(Click on any of the hyperlinks below for a larger version of the image.)

Prices slashed!  1K Static RAM kit, just $97!

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"Running Light without Overbyte"



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"Dedicated to the person who just purchased a KIM-1 and doesn't know what to do with it..."

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A game of Animal, anyone?  Hurkle?  Mugwump?


Z is for Zebra, and Zipper, and Zilog...



Simplified BASIC.GIF (51079 bytes)

My first computer book <*sniff...>  I read it until I knew it by heart.  My first "hands-on" experience was at the tender age of 12, with a Sol-20 at a Byte Shoppe in Denver.



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"Help, Fortran Man, Help!"

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Think Tandy only sold TRS-80's?  Think again!  Click the above image to browse the entire catalog.



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(Soon to be Recreational Computing)

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"The CP/M and S-100 user's journal"

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Still waiting...



mostek-z80.GIF (91097 bytes)

I spent many happy hours clutching this book in one hand and flipping toggle switches on my IMSAI (with Z-80 CPU upgrade) with the other...

(Click here to download a ZIP of the entire booklet, scanned at 300DPI, suitable for printing!)

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The "Computalker" was an early speech-synthesis card for the S-100 bus.   Considering that the technology is over 22 years old (not to mention the tape the demo was recorded on), it doesn't sound too bad.  I have since copied the tape to mini disc for safekeeping.  If you click on the picture of the tape above, you will be able to listen to any part of the tape you choose.

COSMAC-VIP-thumb.JPG (3048 bytes)

"The RCA COSMAC VIP kit introduces a new world of computer fun for just $275." (Click the image to view the whole brochure.)

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"Vectrex is the first and only home computer entertainment system that can truly be classified as HIGH PERFORMANCE."

(At least in 1980...)

(Click the image to view the whole brochure.)

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Finite State Fantasies
by Rich Didday

(Click on the image to view the whole book.)

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